In such a big world, there are so many of the same struggles that people face from near or far. Can you guess the troubles that I am about to address? How every woman wants to eat and not gain weight? Kidding! Because we don’t have the solution to that. Maybe one day… but definitely not today.
The trouble and the solution that every woman can relate to is hair! Which is why we are so excited about Embelleze Novex (our mother brand) and Novex’s expansion. Our hairline is already worldwide so that means we’re like totally taking over the world *coughs* …hair world.
Of weeks ago, Embelleze Novex Hair Care introduced our products to our lovely neighbors to the north of us, Canada. Incase our loyal costumers did not know, we would like to remind you that Embelleze has subsidiaries through out the world from Brazil (all praise the motherland), Portugal to serve Europe, the United States to serve Mexico, and Canada, and even Venezuela taking care of Latin America and Central America. There is currently a plantation in process in the Dominican Republic. Novex reaches over 23 million consumers worldwide and soon to be more… so if you didn’t believe me about taking over the hair world, now you can!
Our numbers are constantly growing as the leading brand of value in Brazil with 8.6% share ahead of multinational companies and is among the three best selling brands. Embelleze makes it a point to brand Novex at International trade shows to continue spreading the word for the beauty industry.
With new expansion comes new Novex products. Expanding our line to different regions motivates us at Embelleze Novex to keep our costumers happy by fulfilling their hair needs. Check out our products directly on our website and discover the Brazilian secrets with Novex Hair Care.
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